
  • Ezgi Akar Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital
  • Ahmet Öğrenci Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Sedat Dalbayrak Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey



Coccyx, coccydynia, pain, tailbone pain


Pain and discomfort in the coccyx or tailbone area is called as coccydynia or coccygodynia. Despite its small size, the coccyx, which forms the terminal of the spine, has an important role to support the balanced distribution of body weight, especially in the sitting position, due to its relationship with the surrounding muscles, ligaments and bone structures. The problems of this area for various reasons manifests itself with localized discomfort and pain in the sacrococcygeal region. Our aim in this paper is to review the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical findings, diagnosis and treatment methods of coccydynia in light of the current literature.


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2022-12-20 — Updated on 2023-06-25


How to Cite

Akar, E., Öğrenci, A., & Dalbayrak, S. (2023). COCCYDYNIA: A NARRATIVE REVIEW OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGY, ETIOLOGY AND TREATMENT. MNJ (Malang Neurology Journal), 9(1), 33–39. (Original work published December 20, 2022)


